MIND4iT unites the sharpest IT and Management Consultants with demanding companies on the most exciting and business-critical IT projects. We are part of the Visma Group, a Nordic company that
View English speaking vacancies for Visma in Denmark. or take a look at the job pages for one of our independent companies(in Danish): Dinero - Visma e-conomic - DataLøn - Sproom - Co3 - MIND4iT - Visma LogBuy - Admincontrol - ProLøn - IMS - Kapacity
Additionally, Visma entered the freelance consulting market with the acquisition of Mind4IT. Innovative product development is of vital importance to retain existing and attract new customers to Title: Visma Annual Report 2015, Author: Visma, Name: Visma Annual Report 2015, Length: 104 pages, and MIND4iT is an agent of a unique network of the strongest IT and business skills. Visma in Denmark. Today, Visma's companies in Denmark are based in three head offices; Visma Consulting in Lyngby, Visma Enterprise in Ballerup and Visma Software in Christianshavn. In the spring of 2021, Carlsberg City will become the new home for all companies in the metropolitan area. Visma tilbyder software og services, der forenkler og digitaliserer administrative forretningsprocesser i den private og offentlige sektor. Koncernen opererer på tværs af Norden, Benelux At Visma Consulting we deliver software that simplifies and digitises core… Sales, recruitment and bid management.
PBJ og e-conomic, opruster endnu en gang. Med opkøbet af MIND4iT A/S bliver Visma Consulting A/S en af landets førende udbydere af IT-konsulentydelser – et marked, der i disse år oplever hastig vækst. Additionally, Visma entered the freelance consulting market with the acquisition of Mind4IT. Innovative product development is of vital importance to retain existing and attract new customers to Title: Visma Annual Report 2015, Author: Visma, Name: Visma Annual Report 2015, Length: 104 pages, and MIND4iT is an agent of a unique network of the strongest IT and business skills. Visma in Denmark. Today, Visma's companies in Denmark are based in three head offices; Visma Consulting in Lyngby, Visma Enterprise in Ballerup and Visma Software in Christianshavn.
Visma acquires MIND4iT A/S, a Danish company that provides freelance consulting services. The acquisition strengthens Visma Consulting's position within the IT consulting market in Denmark. MIND4iT has 180 IT consultants and continues as a separate legal entity with Carsten Boje Møller as Chairman and Jan Larsen as CEO.
Sikkerhed, transparens og skalerbarhed er nøgleord for Visma Case til freelance- og vikarbureauer. Enterprise search projects at some of the largest companies in Denmark, like Danfoss, Mærsk Oil, IO Interactive, Carlsen Radisson. Visma/Mind4IT consulting. 26.
As an employee at Visma, you will form part of a vibrant environment with plenty of space for you to develop both personally and professionally. We move rapidly. Our decision-making processes are short. And as a part of the Visma team, you will be given responsibilities and the chance to create innovative solutions right from day one.
Den norske it-koncern har ambitioner om at tage en solid bid af det voksende marked for freelance-it-konsulenter og lægger omkring 70 millioner kroner på bordet for at overtage den danske konsulent-broker, Mind4IT. In Sweden, Visma has acquired both Abalon AB and Trimma AB. Abalon develops solutions for better customer insight through customer- and loyalty programs, and Trimma develops tools and services within business intelligence, analysis and budgeting.
jan 2016 Det er baggrunden for, at den norske it-koncern Visma nu overtager det danske firma Mind4IT, som med 180 udrykningsklare it-konsulenter er
IT-koncernen Visma, der sidste år gjorde sig bemærket med overtagelsen af bl.a. PBJ og e-conomic, opruster endnu en gang. Med opkøbet af MIND4iT A/S
Visma er en nordisk koncern, der leverer produkter og ydelser inden for De har også opkøbt virksomhederne Dinero, e-conomic, Mind4IT og Bluegarden.
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Om Visma Consulting MIND4iT kan ligeledes være en potentiel afsætningskanal for vores egne konsulenter, ligesom Visma Consulting selv er en stor aftager af freelancebaserede konsulentydelser. MIND4iT fortsætter som en selvstændig juridisk enhed med Carsten Boje Møller som bestyrelsesformand og Jan Larsen som administrerende direktør.
In Sweden, Visma has acquired both Abalon AB and Trimma AB. Abalon develops solutions for better customer insight through customer- and loyalty programs, and Trimma develops tools and services within business intelligence, analysis and budgeting. MIND4iT A/S was acquired to strengthen Visma's position within the IT consulting market in Denmark. Visma MIND4iT MIND4iT tilbyder optimale løsninger på den enkelte opgave ved altid at tilpasse os kundens behov. Vi har leveret konsulenter til en række af de største firmaer i Danmark siden 2004, og har i dag et unikt netværk af de stærkeste konsulentprofiler inden for it og forretning.
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MIND4iT kan ligeledes være en potentiel afsætningskanal for vores egne konsulenter, ligesom Visma Consulting selv er en stor aftager af freelancebaserede konsulentydelser. MIND4iT fortsætter som en selvstændig juridisk enhed med Carsten Boje Møller som bestyrelsesformand og Jan Larsen som administrerende direktør.
CFAR: 1010487230. Etableringsår: 2004. Dotterbolag till: Visma Danmark Holding A/S (DK). Notering: Ej noterat.
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At Visma Consulting we deliver software that simplifies and digitises core… Sales, recruitment and bid management. At MIND4iT we unite the sharpest IT and Management Consultants with demanding companies on the most exciting and business-critical IT projects.
MIND4iT and Visma’s joint Danish and international customer base and large number of framework agreements with both private and public companies allow our consultants access to more companies Visma Case leverer en skræddersyet løsning, der understøtter MIND4iT's forretning fra kundeforespørgsel til underskrevet kontrakt. Bygger til fremtiden MIND4iT's nuværende løsning og forretningsprocesser er i høj grad præget af en daglig tæt kommunikation, store plancher og et dedikeret hold af medarbejdere, der har været i virksomheden længe. Visma acquires MIND4iT A/S, a Danish company that provides freelance consulting services. The acquisition strengthens Visma Consulting's position within the IT consulting market in Denmark. MIND4iT has 180 IT consultants and continues as a separate legal entity with Carsten Boje Møller as Chairman and Jan Larsen as CEO. I dag 3 år efter MIND4iT blev opkøbt af Visma, er vi nu et 100% Visma-ejet selskab. Overgangen har for os været en positiv og lærerig oplevelse, og bekræfter det forhåndsindtryk vi havde af Norske Visma køber dansk konsulenthus: Får kontrol med 180 it-freelancere.
25. jan 2016 Det er baggrunden for, at den norske it-koncern Visma nu overtager det danske firma Mind4IT, som med 180 udrykningsklare it-konsulenter er
Med opkøbet af MIND4iT A/S Visma er en nordisk koncern, der leverer produkter og ydelser inden for De har også opkøbt virksomhederne Dinero, e-conomic, Mind4IT og Bluegarden. Visma Consulting Danmark, Kongens Lyngby. 403 likes · 1 talking about this · 153 were here. Visma Consulting er en nordisk it-konsulentvirksomhed, der Visma (owned by KKR, HgCapital and Cinven) in connection with the acquisition of Bluegarden Group, Dinero Regnskab, e-conomic A/S, Mind4IT, Sproom 3. apr 2021 MIND4iT acquisition - Visma billede. Billede Private Equity Funds Click On $12bn Visma In Biggest-ever Visma Addo: Frequently Asked 25 Jan 2016 Visma acquires MIND4iT Visma acquires MIND4iT A/S, a Danish company that provides freelance consulting services. The acquisition 4.
30 November 2015 00:00 Gennem et udviklingssamarbejde med MIND4iT, er Visma Case blevet et fleksibelt fundament, der understøtter et eksplosivt marked indenfor freelance- og vikarbureauer. Sikkerhed, transparens og skalerbarhed er nøgleord for Visma Case til freelance- og vikarbureauer.